E: [email protected] T: (614) 481 8121
Kevin McGovern Associates(An Environmental Comfort Company) is excited to announce our representation of the Aldrich Company. Aldrich provides KMA and our customers with a dual fuel solution.
Aldrich Company serves the global market as the premier manufacturer of firetube boilers and water heaters. Aldrich Company has been designing, engineering and manufacturing boilers and water heaters since 1936. All of our boilers and water heaters are constructed, stamped and tested to Section IV of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Contact us today to learn more!
The Kevin McGovern team has joined Environmental Comfort, LLC in Columbus, OH. The KMA team will continue to do business as KMA. The Environmental Comfort and KMA teams are excited at the additional product offerings and support we are able to provide our customers and partners.
1711 Arlingate Lane
Columbus, OH 43228
Manufacturer Representatives for Equipment used in:
-- Boiler Rooms -- Commercial HVAC / Plumbing -- Industrial / Process --